Country with largest increase in COVID-19 cases in October: Czechia (formerly Czech Republic) 379%
Country with second largest increase: Poland 296%
Canada’s October increase: 49%
Country with highest rate of COVID positive tests to Oct. 31: Czechia 14.6%
U.S test positivity rate to Oct. 31: 6.5%
Canada test positivity rate to Oct. 31: 2.4%
Nova Scotia rate to date: 0.94% [1]
Number of states with COVID-19 case increases greater than 50% in October: 15
Number of those 15 states won by Donald Trump in 2020 Presidential election: 11
Number of those 11 states that have not supported a Democrat for President since at least 1968: 7[2]
Total number of states that have not supported a Democrat for President since at least 1968: 9
Share of Electoral College votes cast by those states in 2020: 7.43%
Share of U.S. population in those states in 2020: 5.08%[3]
Nova Scotia tuition fees
Increase in university tuition fees in Nova Scotia 2012-2020: 46.5%
Average increase in university tuition fees for all provinces 2012-20: 18.3%
Provincial ranking of Nova Scotia tuition fees 2012: Third highest
Provincial ranking of Nova Scotia tuition fees 2020: Highest [4]
Jobs and wages
Increase in jobs in Nova Scotia between 2015 and 2019: 20,615
Share of those jobs in accommodation and food services: 47.4%[5]
Nova Scotia average weekly earnings 2019: $905.04
Average weekly earnings accommodation and food services: $386.08[6]
Greenhouse gas emissions
Change in total emissions of greenhouse gases in Canada from 2016 to 2018: +3.25%
Change in total Ghg emissions in Nova Scotia 2016-18: +8.97%
Change in Ghg emissions from electricity in Canada 2016 to 2018: – 13.58%
Change in emissions from electricity in Nova Scotia 2016-18: +9.38[7]
[1] Worldometer and NS Health
[2] Worldometer and Wikipedia
[3] Wikipedia and World Population Review
[4] Statistics Canada Table 37-10-0003-01
[5] Statistics Canada Table 36-10-0480-01
[6] Statistics Canada Table 14-10-0204-01
[7] Environment and Climate Change Canada National Inventory Report