Curb the Enthusiasm on Shale Gas Report
There was a media flap this past week when the dynamic duo of the CBC’s Paul Withers and the...
Read MorePosted by Richard Starr | Jan 14, 2018 | Environment/Energy |
There was a media flap this past week when the dynamic duo of the CBC’s Paul Withers and the...
Read MorePosted by Richard Starr | Oct 9, 2016 | Environment/Energy |
The immortal words of Obi-Wan Kenobe came to mind this week when Margaret Miller staged her...
Read MoreRICHARD STARR has had careers as a journalist, public servant, broadcaster, political staffer and freelance policy adviser. He is author of numerous newspaper and magazine articles, a former radio and TV producer and weekly newspaper editor, and the author of three non-fiction books. Starr has lived in Dartmouth for more than 30 years.